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DA 22-508 Released: May 27, 2022


MD Docket No. 10-234

The Office of Managing Director will decommission the Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) Legacy Commission Registration System (CORES) (Legacy CORES) on July 15, 2022.1 The current version of CORES (called CORES2 herein and found at https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/userLogin.do) has been in use since 2016 and should be used to register for or maintain an FCC Registration Number (FRN).2 Using CORES2 for FRN-related transactions requires FRN registrants to set up an account with a unique username (by providing a valid e-mail address)3 and password to associate with their existing or new FRN(s).4 The FRN registrant’s email address is then established in the system as their username. Users already registered in CORES2 can continue to manage their FRNs in CORES2 without change. No additional actions are required for CORES2 users.

Legacy CORES will be retired on July 15, 2022 at 6 pm.5 Once Legacy CORES is retired, users will be unable to make any changes to their FRNs in that system, including resetting their passwords. Users should be aware that they will need to register in CORES2 to gain online access and manage their FRN(s). See below for help with FRN registration in CORES2.

1 Commission rules require an FCC Registration Number (FRN) to be supplied by anyone doing business with the Commission. 47 CFR. § 1.8002. Any business or individual wishing to conduct business with the Commission must register through CORES to obtain an FRN. 47 CFR. § 1.8001. The FRN is a 10-digit number used to identify the registrant’s business dealings with the Commission. Id.

2 CORES2 allows users to (1) Create FRNs; (2) Modify FRNs; (3) Associate FRNs to different user accounts; (4) View FRN financial data; and (5) Make payments. See also https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/userLogin.do.

3 To finalize the decommissioning of Legacy CORES, the Commission updated 47 CFR 1.8002(b) to require registrants to provide a valid e-mail address when registering for an FRN through CORES. Amendment of Part 1 of the Commission's Rules, Concerning Practice and Procedure, Amendment of CORES Registration System, MD Docket No. 10-234, Report and Order, 36 FCC Rcd 10773 (2021) (CORES Order); Federal Communications Commission, Practice and Procedure, CORES Registration System, 86 Fed. Reg. 59858 (Oct. 29, 2021).

4 Before accessing CORES2, users must establish an FCC username account in the FCC User Registration System by providing a valid e-mail address and creating a password. See https://apps2.fcc.gov/fccUserReg/pages/createAccount.htm.

5 The Commission directed the Office of Managing Director to announce the end date for access to Legacy CORES. CORES Order, para.11.

Federal Communications Commission DA 22-508

Recommended steps prior to July 15th To help prepare for any upcoming Commission business, Legacy CORES users are encouraged to establish an FCC username account in the FCC User Registration System, and then to access CORES2 to associate their FRN(s) with their username. Legacy CORES should not be used for creating new FRNs even though it will remain open through July 15, 2022.

The Commission is in the process of transitioning its various online systems to CORES2.

Certain Commission systems already require access using a username and password that have been registered in the FCC User Registration System and associated with FRN(s) in CORES2. Other Commission systems will continue to allow access using the FRN and password established in the Legacy CORES. Users may also log in to these systems using an FRN and username password, established in CORES2. Over time, Commission systems that have not yet transitioned will be updated to require a username and password obtained through the FCC User Registration System and may redirect users to use CORES2 to associate their FRN(s) with a valid FCC username. Future system transitions will be handled at different timeframes through separate notifications.6

Payment and Payment-Related Transactions Users that need to pay annual regulatory fees, view Red Light status details, pay Universal Licensing System (ULS) fees, and complete payments for all FCC filings and fees will be required to use a username and password with an FRN associated with a username in CORES2 to authorize these transactions according to the following timetable:7

Payment Transaction

Date Access Will Transition to CORES2 Username and Password

Annual Regulatory Fees

July 15, 2022

Red Light Status Detail

August 5, 2022

Universal Licensing System Payments (ULS Pay Fees Link utilized by Electronic Batch Filing filers)

August 26, 2022

Application Fee Payments (including completing payments on any remittances awaiting payment completion for all FCC filings and fees. This includes ULS Payments from individual filers)

November 18, 2022

For Help with Registering in CORES2 CORES2 is available at https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/userLogin.do. Before registering for or managing an FRN in CORES2, users that have not established their username and password must first create an account by entering their username (i.e., e-mail address) and a password on the FCC User Registration System webpage: https://apps2.fcc.gov/fccUserReg/pages/createAccount.htm. Detailed information about the impact of decommissioning Legacy CORES and the transition to CORES2 can be found at: https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/html/legacyCoresDecommission.html. For additional support, please visit the FCC Registration Help Pages. You can also call the FCC Licensing Hotline, (877) 480-3201 Option 1, or visit the e-support page.

6 CORES Order, para. 13.

7 FCC payments and related transactions can be made at https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/paymentFrnLogin.do.

From WB9VPG QRZ.com05/30/2022

Youth on the Air Camp 2022 to be On the Air and Streaming Selected Events Online:

The camp for young amateur radio operators in North, Central, and South America will operate special event station W8Y throughout the camp from June 12-17, 2022, and will stream the opening and closing ceremonies on YouTube.

WEST CHESTER, Ohio, May 30, 2022—YOTA campers will be operating special event station W8Y from both the National Voice of America Museum of Broadcasting in West Chester Township (North Cincinnati), Ohio, as well as the camp hotel.

Activation of the W8Y callsign will begin the evening of Sunday, June 12 and conclude at 1 p.m. on Friday, June 17. Youth will operate the station as they finish projects, between sessions, and during free time.

In addition, dedicated HF station operating times will be: Monday, June 13 from 1800Z to 0300Z (2 pm to 11 pm EDT). Dedicated satellite station operating times will be: Thursday, June 16 and Friday, June 17 from 1400Z to 1700Z (10 am to 1 pm EDT). And, EME will be in operation on Tuesday, June 14 from 0100 to 0300Z (Monday, June 13 from 9 to 11 pm EDT)

The opening and closing ceremonies will be streamed live on the Youth on the Air YouTube channel. The opening ceremony is Sunday, June 12 from 2100Z to 2230Z, and will feature keynote speaker Dr. Nathaniel Frissell, W2NAF, the founder of HamSCI. The closing ceremony is Friday, June 17 from 1700Z to 1800Z. The channel will also feature a daily highlight video spotlighting the activities of the previous day.

For details about the camp, download the brochure from the web page at YouthOnTheAir.org.

For additional information, please contact Camp Director Neil Rapp, WB9VPG at director@youthontheair.org.